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Parent & Scholar Contracts

Lighthouse Academy



While this contract emphasizes several important aspects of the Constitution of Lighthouse Academy, it in no way replaces or supersedes it.


  • I/We have read and signed the Constitution of Lighthouse Academy


As parent(s)/guardian(s), I/we agree to:


  • Comply with the legal requirements of California compulsory education laws.  I understand that attendance at Lighthouse Academy does not satisfy those requirements. (Art. 3, Responsibilities)

  • Be a member of the Lighthouse Academy BAND App and check BAND at least 3 times each week and respond as requested. (Art. 3, Responsibilities)

  • Contribute to the success of Lighthouse Academy by volunteering and serving one another.  (Art. 3, Responsibilities)

  • Respect the dress and grooming, language, integrity, and media standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as outlined in the Lighthouse Academy Constitution, and show courtesy and respect for the personal beliefs of each family. (Art. 3, Responsibilities)

  • Have students to class and pick up on time. (Art. 3, Youth Scholar Projects)

  • Attend the periodic parent meetings, at least one per semester, and the two mandatory meetings as stated in the Constitution.  If unable to attend a meeting, I will obtain the information and notes from another parent. (Art. 3, Youth Scholar Projects/ Art .5, Meetings)  

  • Support the decisions of the board and mentors

  • Discuss problems and concerns with the Chair, CoChair, or Parent Representative. (Art. 4, #3, Parent Representative)     

  • Uphold the standards set for my student as listed in the Constitution and in the student contract.  (see Art. 3 Standards, Behavior/Discipline)

  • Agree not to hold the owners of any property on which Lighthouse Academy meets, liable for any of their acts or omissions.

  • Agree not to hold any Lighthouse parent, mentor or officer liable for his acts or omissions while my child is attending Lighthouse functions.

Lighthouse Academy



Lighthouse Academy is a commonwealth of families that meets to provide a Leadership Education for youth and adults. We are becoming leaders and statesmen. We are LIGHTHOUSE ACADEMY, and with that purpose we adhere to the highest standards of behavior.We expect that youth in the New Commonwealth School have chosen to participate and will be cooperative and respectful.” (Article 3, Behavior and Discipline)


Care and Respect for Self and Others - I care for and respect the person and property of mentors, other scholars, and other groups using the facility.

Care and Respect for Authority - I care and respect positions of leadership and show respect to all adults.

Care and Respect for Property - I care about how I treat the property of others and show respect by the way I behave towards the grounds, building, and public areas.


Therefore I WILL:

  • Be responsible for my education.

  • Commit to participating in class and completing my assignments on time and to the best of my ability.

  • Attend class regularly (not missing more than 2 classes per semester unless extenuating circumstances arise and arrangements are made with the mentors).

  • Listen attentively during class to mentors and other scholars. 

  • Use language that uplifts, encourages, and compliments others. 

  • Speak to adults respectfully and voice concerns to the appropriate mentor or individual in charge.

  • Obey the rules of any facility in which Lighthouse Academy meets, including traffic flow, staying in designated areas, and caring for property.

  • Keep food ONLY in designated areas and clean up after myself.

  • Offer to help and accept assignments for cleaning up, then return and report the completion of my assignment(s).

  • Be honest in my dealings with others and myself.


Therefore I will NOT:

  • Use electronic devices in class unless asked by the mentor to do so.

  • Use rude or crude verbal language or body language.

  • Use profanity, including using the Lord’s name in vain.

  • Damage property of the facility or other students.

  • Fight or rough house or otherwise mess around in a manner that could hurt someone else or church property.

  • Harass or tease other students or participate in gossip.

  • Disrupt class, distract others, or impede another's ability to learn.

  • Use dangerous or addictive substances such as illegal drugs, tobacco, alcohol, vape, etc.

  • Use pornography.

  • Participate in boyfriend/girlfriend displays of affection.

  • Bring visitors to class without permission from the mentor.


I understand that I will be neat and clean and avoid being extreme or inappropriately casual in my clothing and appearance, as befits a leadership education environment. Therefore I will dress with dignity and adhere to the following Lighthouse Academy dress code:

  • No large holes in jeans, yoga-style-spandex pants, tight shirts, or in any other manner revealing apparel.

  • Shorts should be approximately knee-length.

  • No rude or offensive logos or language on clothing that create(s) controversy or distracts from learning.

  • Shirts must have sleeves.

  • No bare-midriff or bare-tummy styles.

  • Dresses/skirts must come to the knee with no slits above the knee.

  • No backless, strapless, or sleeveless shirts or dresses.

  • Shirts/dresses must be high enough at the neck to cover all cleavage.

  • No sagging pants.

  • No earrings for boys.

  • Maintain good personal hygiene, including odor protection. 



My adherence to this code of behavior, dress, and appearance is essential to the integrity of our community educational vision and to our continued use of any facility in which we meet.  I will be vigilant in my efforts to care for and respect myself, others, and church property.  If there is any violation of the code of behavior, I agree that my mentor will intervene appropriately to halt the behavior and contact my parent/guardian to decide further action.  If I damage any church property, I will make restitution to the church, including repairing or replacing property.  If my dress and/or appearance is inappropriate for our leadership vision and/or distracting during class, I understand and agree that my mentor will contact my parent/guardian to decide further action.  If behavioral, appearance, and/or dress code violations persist, I understand and agree that I may be asked to leave my class and/or Lighthouse Academy.

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