Lighthouse Academy
Lighthouse Academy Governing Documents
“Let your children be exposed to great minds, great ideas, everlasting truth, and those things which will build and motivate for good.”
- Gordon B. Hinckley
Article 2
The mission of Scholars Inspired to Lead is to support families as they focus on agency-based liberal arts education also known as Leadership Education or Thomas Jefferson education. We join together with families of like vision to provide an opportunity for shared educational experiences and a sense of community for our youth. We honor the family as the center of learning and each student as a unique individual with a personal mission. We provide scholar projects to help young adults and parents gain the vision, mission, abilities, skills, and knowledge needed to become scholars. We aspire to develop young adults equipped with the knowledge and desire to make life decisions based on true principles.
SITL was founded by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The principles of free conscience taught by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are our guide. (Doctrine and Covenants 134:1-5, Article of Faith 11)
We invite families of any faith to join us, and respect their right to govern their family and the individuals therein according to the dictates of their own conscience.
SITL honors these five basic beliefs:​
1. There exists a Creator who made all things, and mankind should recognize and worship Him.
2. The Creator has revealed a moral code of behavior for happy living which distinguishes right from wrong.
3. The Creator holds mankind responsible for the way they treat each other.
4. All mankind live beyond this life.
5. In the next life mankind are judged for their conduct in this one.
(The Five Thousand Year Leap, W. Cleon Skousen, pg 78)
“Let your children be exposed to great minds, great ideas, everlasting
truth, and those things which will build and motivate for good.”
President Gordon B. Hinckley, 15th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Article 3
Membership in Scholars Inspired to Lead is a family decision and commitment. Families, rather than individual parents or students, join the school. Our governing body is made of the families who have signed this Constitution. Our community brings together families with like culture, common goals and shared values. As Scholars Inspired to Lead grows, we will encourage the formation of additional New Commonwealth Schools with their own Constitutions and leadership.
Membership Process
Step one: Families wishing to participate in SITL will meet with a member of the Executive Board to learn about the Commonwealth, discuss the SITL Constitution, and determine if the membership is beneficial and appropriate for the family and the needs of the SITL community.
Step two: After the family reads the SITL Constitution, a parent meets with the SITL Chair, agrees to the membership responsibilities, and signs the SITL Constitution.
Membership may be discontinued at any time either by invitation to leave from the Executive Board, or by request of the family desiring to withdraw membership.
To provide a vision of our educational and organizational goals, each family should read and discuss one of the following shared books, or other sources that provide vision and understanding of Leadership Education, each year as chosen by the Executive Board:
A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver DeMille
The New Commonwealth School by Aneladee Milne
Leadership Education by Oliver and Rachel DeMille
It is the responsibility of each family to meet the legal requirements of state education laws. Membership in this group does not satisfy California compulsory education laws.
Each family needs to maintain membership on the SITL email loop and check email at least 3 times each week. This is our most effective and efficient means of communication.
Members of Scholars Inspired to Lead will look to fulfill unmet needs. We seek to cooperate and serve one another. We choose activities and policies that will foster volunteerism and encourage a “homesteader” attitude while discouraging a “squatter” mentality. Volunteer efforts are an essential responsibility for each member of our SITL community.
Scholars Inspired to Lead welcomes members of all denominations. It is expected that families in the commonwealth will respect the standards of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and show courtesy and respect for the personal beliefs of each family. Each family is expected to study their central classic or core book on a regular basis, at least several times weekly.
Ongoing parent-scholar mentoring is crucial to the development and success of scholars. We meet together regularly as parents to build community and discuss true principles which we can apply as we mentor our scholars. Parents are expected to attend all of the parent mentor meetings throughout the year. Attendance is mandatory for at least 50% of the meetings. In cases of hardship or emergency the family must contact the Executive Board.
Parent-scholar mentor sessions are integral to the success of leadership education. Parents are expected to hold regular parent-scholar mentoring sessions with each of their children who are SITL scholars. These formal or informal mentor sessions should take place at least twice a month.
On-time payment of fees is necessary for participation in classes and activities. (See Article 3: Fees and Expenses)
Each family has the responsibility to purchase or procure the necessary manuals, books, and materials before the beginning of the semester. (See Article 3:Youth Scholar Projects)
At least one parent from each family should attend the two mandatory SITL meetings: The End of the Year meeting and the Beginning of the Year meeting. (See Article 5)
The clothing and appearance of members should be modest, neat, clean and consistent with Judeo/Christian values and standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The dress and grooming, language, integrity, and media standards on the student contract and explained in the pamphlet For The Strength of Youth published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be our guide. The use of illegal drugs and alcohol is strictly prohibited. A Mentor or Executive Board member will talk with youth and consult their parents if these standards are violated. If violations of these standards persist, the Executive Board will ask the family to withdraw their youth from class.
Behavior and Discipline:
We expect that youth in Scholars Inspired to Lead have chosen to participate and will be cooperative and respectful. Parents will be responsible for the discipline of their own children in the event of behavior problems. If a student’s behavior becomes disruptive or unacceptable, the Class Mentor or an Executive Board Member will ask the student to leave temporarily. If necessary, parents will be notified and asked to attend class with the student. Families must be sensitive to the needs of their children and considerate of other students. If discipline problems persist, the Executive Board will ask the family to withdraw their youth from class.
Youth Scholar Projects
Youth who participate in scholar projects (see article 7) must be 12 years old by December 31st of the current year.
Parents or other adults may participate in scholar projects with approval of the class mentor and Executive Board. Youth will have priority in enrollment and participation in discussion and activities. Adults should not dominate class discussion.
Students will take responsibility for their own education and will attend class regularly.
Students will treat parents, mentors, teachers and other students with respect.
Students and parents will sign a yearly contract agreeing to uphold standards and fulfill responsibilities.
New students will be admitted based upon space available in classes. Priority will be given to current members of Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Parents are expected to have the students to class and picked up on time.
Parents/scholars may choose their Core book(s). Parents/scholars may choose alternate assignments for individual scholar projects from their chosen core book(s) with the approval of the mentor(s).
Fees and Expenses
Our goal is to keep expenses to a minimum. We realize that education and participation in scholar projects will require a financial commitment; perhaps even sacrifice. It is expected that families will pay for individual books, supplies and other activities in addition to fees. Personal financial limitations should not prevent any family from participating. We encourage families to support and help one another. Families may choose to donate to our treasury to assist families that may need financial help.
Fees will be assessed by the Executive Board based upon:
Building costs
Class expenses
Parent mentoring seminar expenses
Mentor Training Fees
Fees will be collected before the beginning of each semester and must be paid before scholars attend class. Any family needing to make periodic payments or needing financial assistance will make arrangements with the Treasurer and Executive Board before classes begin. Fees are not refundable.
Scholars Inspired to Lead is not for profit. If there is money left in the account at the end of the school year the Executive Board will disperse the funds based upon:
Amount needed for fall start-up costs
Amount needed for training of mentors and teachers
Additional funds may be used for group field trips or service projects or other needs as determined by the Executive Board. It is impossible to guarantee that every family will benefit from these funds.
A family will be offered a waiver from a class fee if:
The student is a mentor for that class.
The parent is a mentor for that class or a comparable class.
Article 4
The members of Scholars Inspired to Lead will be served and represented by three elected officers and four appointed officers. Officers will be elected by a simple majority at the end of the year meeting (See article 5). The three elected officers, Chairman, Co-Chairman and Parent Representative comprise the Executive Board. The General Board will consist of all seven officers.
1. Chairman
The Chairman is elected by the families to preside over the group, maintain the vision and perpetuate the momentum of the organization. The Chairman is the symbolic “torchbearer” for Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Have an understanding of and commitment to Leadership Education.
Be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Be well informed about the needs and desires of families in the Scholars Inspired to Lead Commonwealth School.
Be a member of the Scholars Inspired to Lead Commonwealth School..
Be working diligently on their own liberal arts education
Be a competent mentor who will work to inspire the youth and adults in Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Exemplify public virtue.
Uphold the Constitution of Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Keep the group focused on the mission and objective stated in Article 1.
Appoint non-elected officers to the General Board with the approval of the Executive Board.
Facilitate training and mentoring of General Board members and mentors.
Work closely with each officer, while respecting their stewardship
Recommend and nominate a Co-Chairman prior to the End of the Year Meeting
Be a contact person for families interested in joining Scholars Inspired to Lead Commonwealth School.
Meet with approved new families joining Scholars Inspired to Lead Commonwealth School and facilitate signing the constitution.
The Chairman has veto power on any motions or proposals.
A veto may be overturned by a two-thirds majority vote of the members.
The term for this position is one year.
2. Co-Chairman
The Co-Chairman is elected by the families to serve as the Chairman’s assistant and confidant. The Co-Chairman is preparing to become the next torchbearer.
Be a member of Scholars Inspired to Lead Commonwealth School.
Have an understanding of and commitment to Leadership Education.
Be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Be well informed about the needs and desires of families in Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Be working diligently on their own liberal arts education.
Be a competent mentor who will work to inspire the youth and adults in Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Exemplify public virtue.
Uphold the Constitution of Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Call and conduct Board meetings.
Oversee class planning and scheduling.
Oversee the registration process.
Provide a contract for parents and students to sign before the beginning of fall classes.
Be a contact person for families interested in joining Scholars Inspired to Lead Commonwealth School.
The term for this position is one year.
The Co-Chairman is the Chairman elect.
3. Parent Representative
The Parent Representative is elected by the families to represent them on the Executive Board.
Be a member of Scholars Inspired to Lead Commonwealth School.
Have an understanding of and commitment to Leadership Education.
Be well informed about the needs and desires of families in Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Uphold the Constitution of Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Organize two parent mentor meetings per semester and help to educate and inspire parents throughout the year.
Act as a liaison between the families and the Board members.
Maintain open communication with parents and bring their concerns or suggestions to the Executive Board.
Coordinate with approved new families and facilitate their membership in the group.
The term for this position is one year.
The Parent Representative may serve two consecutive terms if re-elected.
4. Principal Mentor
Be a member of Scholars Inspired to Lead Commonwealth School.
Have an understanding of and commitment to Leadership Education.
Be working diligently on their own liberal arts education.
Be a LEMI trained teacher.
Be a long-term SITL mentor who has a vision of the past and future of SITL.
Be a former SITL Chairman.
Network with families to find mentors for all scholar projects and classes.
Oversee and coordinate mentors and teachers of Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Support and inspire mentors throughout the year.
Hold meetings for the current group of mentors at least twice per semester.
Maintain and cast vision for SITL.
Keep and update, at least yearly, the History of SITL.
This position is appointed by the Chairman with approval by the Executive Board.
The term is one year with an option for reappointment. This is intended to be a long-term position to maintain stability and continuity within SITL while other board positions rotate frequently.
5. Treasurer
Be a member of Scholars Inspired to Lead Commonwealth School.
Be competent and careful with financial records and money entrusted to them.
Collect fees from the families of Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Maintain the bank account with another parent in SITL who has been approved by the Executive Board.
Make necessary monthly payments on time.
Make reimbursements as necessary in a timely manner.
Give the Executive Board a financial statement near the beginning and end of each semester.
This position is appointed by the Chairman with approval by the Executive Board.
The term is one year with an option for reappointment.
6. Public Relations/Facilities Coordinator
Be a member of Scholars Inspired to Lead Commonwealth School.
Be diplomatic in dealing with others and representing Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Coordinate and maintain a good relationship with building owners.
Coordinate supervision of the building during lunch and other times as needed.
Coordinate cleaning of building by students and families, if needed.
Oversee any service projects connected with the building.
Oversee community service projects as necessary.
This position is appointed by the Chairman with approval by the Executive Board.
The term is one year with an option for reappointment.
7. Secretary/Librarian
Be a member of Scholars Inspired to Lead Commonwealth School.
Be organized and careful in maintaining records.
Record minutes of meetings and publish them for the Board and/or families to review.
Provide and distribute necessary documents and forms.
Keep an ongoing history of events and meetings.
Maintain a file of records such as registration forms.
Maintain current class lists.
Maintain the SITL lending library.
Maintain and distribute a current roster of families belonging to the Commonwealth.
This position is appointed by the Chairman with approval by the Executive Board.
The term is one year with an option for reappointment.
8. Special Circumstances
Contingency terms of service for the Chairman and Co-Chairman positions.
If at the time of elections no other members of SITL currently meet the qualifications for the position of Chairman, or the current Co-Chairman is unable to serve as Chairman, the current Chairman or a former Chairman may serve again as Chairman.
If at the time of elections no other members of SITL currently meet the qualifications for the position of Co-Chairman, or are able to accept the position of Co-Chairman, any former Chairman may serve as interim Co-Chairman.
This may continue until a person who is able and meets the qualifications for the position of Co-Chairman can be elected as Co-Chairman and then rotate into the Chairman position after serving a year as Co-Chairman as stated under Article 4 Section 2.
Contingency term of service for the Parent Representative.
If at the time of elections no other members of SITL currently meet the qualifications for the position of Parent Representative, or are able to accept the nomination for Parent Representative, the current Parent Representative may serve beyond the two year term limit, or a former Parent Representative may serve again. This will continue only until another person is qualified and able to serve as Parent Representative.
If an officer of the Executive Board is unable to serve for an entire term they will be replaced as follows:
Chairman – Co-Chairman will become the new Chairman
Co-Chairman – A special election will be held
Parent Representative – A special election will be held
If an officer on the Executive Board violates the Constitution, they may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the members. A replacement officer will be chosen as explained in the previous paragraph.
If an officer of the General Board is unable to serve for an entire term or fails to perform their duties, the Chairman will appoint a replacement officer with approval by the Executive Board.
Article 5
A minimum of two Scholars Inspired to Lead Commonwealth School meetings will be held yearly. At least one parent from each family should attend both meetings. If a parent is unable to attend, they are responsible for obtaining any necessary information, but voting rights will be forfeited unless special arrangements are approved in advance by the Chairman. Each family will have one vote. Only families who have been members of the Commonwealth for at least a year will have voting privileges. Other meetings may be held if deemed necessary by the Executive Board, the General Board or the majority of families.
End of the Year Meeting
This meeting will be held near the end of the school year in the spring or early summer. At this meeting a plan will be presented for classes beginning in the fall. Scholar projects, mentors and scheduling will be discussed. A date for the first day of fall classes will be announced. Elections will be held for officers described in Article 4. Voting methods will be determined and announced by the Executive Board.
Beginning of the Year Meeting
This meeting will be held before the beginning of the school year in the late summer. At this meeting mentors will provide parents with information about classes/scholar projects. This will be a type of orientation meeting to provide families with information about current policies and activities. General Board officers will be appointed prior to this meeting and will be introduced to parents at this meeting. Parents will pay fees or receive payment information at this meeting.
Article 6
Officers will meet as necessary. The Executive Board will meet at least once each semester and the General Board will meet at least once each year.
Article 7
Mentors of Scholars Inspired to Lead classes/scholar projects form a standing committee with power. The Principal Mentor will head this committee. Most of our mentors will be parents who are teaching. Scholars Inspired to Lead will not offer full-time classes. Full-time school may actually hinder students from acquiring a liberal arts education. Most scholar projects and classes will meet only once weekly and will require hours of personal study. As we encourage and enable youth and parents to become self-directed scholars, we will protect and value personal study time.
Mentors must be trained by Leadership Education Mentoring Institute (LEMI). It is expected that Mentors will turn in teacher reports, attend conference calls and receive on-going mentoring through LEMI. Scholars Inspired to Lead will help to pay for training as funds allow.
Mentor Responsibilities
Uphold the objectives and standards of Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Inspire and provide an example for students in behavior, dress and personal scholarship.
Provide the board with an outline or brief description of the class/scholar project offered.
Decide the age limits, prerequisites and number of students allowed in the class or scholar project with approval by the Executive Board.
Ensure that classes may allow scholars and mentors to present from an LDS perspective and may include LDS scriptures and quotes as appropriate, while being considerate of those with differing beliefs.
Parents will be informed of any religious content shared by the mentors and/or scholars.
Foster respectful sharing of all students'/families' core and other beliefs, and allow student/parent choice in memorization and other assignments when appropriate.
Provide parents with ongoing, weekly, communication about projects and assignments.
Be organized, prepared and begin and end class on time.
Work with the students to maintain proper conduct and behavior in the classroom.
Attend meetings of the Mentor Committee as announced by the Principal Mentor. (See Article 4)
Core Classes:
These scholar projects will be offered each year as long as there is a trained mentor to head the class and enough students.
Key of Liberty – This Practice Scholar Project is a two semester study of the American struggle for independence and the U.S. Constitution.
Shakespeare Conquest – This two semester Practice Scholar Project includes the study of Shakespeare and acting and the spring production of a Shakespearean play.
Quest – This Apprentice Scholar Project is a three semester study of leadership and Thomas Jefferson Education designed for students 14 and older. Student fees and teacher reporting to LEMI are mandatory.
Liber Community Series – A Series of three Adult Scholar Projects. Adults in this class need not be members of Scholars Inspired to Lead.
Gathering Project – A two semester Practice Scholar Project that teaches foundational principles of a Leadership Education and Literature which focuses on family forms and mentoring.
Freedom Project – A two semester Practice Scholar Project which studies America's founding documents and the principles and forms of government.
Five Pillar Project – A four semester Apprentice Scholar Project which includes a survey of educational philosophy, literature, world views and cycles in history. Includes book discussions, writing workshops, practice public speaking, oral exams and mentoring from LEMI in the development of scholar skills and abilities through audio downloads. LEMI offers a 5 Pillar Certification which participants are encouraged to complete.
Supplemental Classes:
SITL encourages other scholar projects as needs arise and mentors are available. LEMI projects such as Sword of Freedom, Hero Project, Georgics, Classical Acting, and Pyramid Project are encouraged and mentors must receive LEMI training as explained above. Classical Acting Mentors must be trained Shakespeare Conquest teachers.
Special interest scholar projects developed by parents must be mentored by LEMI trained teachers. These projects must follow the SITL objective and mission and be approved by the Executive Board.
Article 8
Parent meetings and General Board meetings will be orderly and run according to Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised.
Article 9
Officers on the Executive Board will write proposals for any amendments to this constitution and submit them to the families for ratification. Parents with proposals for amending the constitution should work with the Parent Representative. A two-thirds majority vote is sufficient for ratification of the Constitution and future amendments.
Doctrine and Covenants 134:1-5
1. We believe that governments were instituted of God for the benefit of man, and that He holds men accountable for their acts in relation to them, both in making laws and administering them for the good and safety of society.
2. We believe that no government can exist in peace save such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life.
3. We believe that all governments necessarily require civil officers and magistrates to enforce the laws of the same; and that such as will administer the law in equity and justice should be sought for and upheld by the voice of the people if a republic, or the will of the sovereign.
4. We believe that religion is instituted of God; and that men are amenable to Him, and to Him only, for the exercise of it, unless their religious opinions prompt them to infringe upon the rights and liberties of others; but we do not believe that human law has a right to interfere in proscribing rules of worship to bind the consciences of men, nor dictate forms for public or private devotion; that the civil magistrate should restrain crime, but never control conscience. Should punish guilt, but never suppress the freedom of the soul.
5. We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in which they reside, while protected in their inherent and inalienable rights by the laws of such governments; and the sedition and rebellion are unbecoming every citizen thus protected, and should be punished accordingly; and that all governments have a right to enact such laws as in their own judgments are best calculated to secure the public interest; at the same time however holding sacred the freedom of conscience.
Article of Faith 11
We believe in worshiping almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience and allow all men the same privilege. Let them worship how, where, or what they may.
Original signing, August 8, 2013
Amended with addendum August 16, 2015
Signed by the Families of Scholars Inspired to Lead